Native & edible plants for your landscape and for the butterflies, birds, and bees.
Northeastern Indiana's oldest native nursery
We make native & edible plants accessible to our community & provide information on their benefits.
We are now accepting pre-orders for trees, shrubs, and edibles! Pre-order sales will be open through April 30th. Click the button below to visit our store!
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Is this the Monarch's view as it sucks the nectar and lays its eggs on the milkweed?

Native trees, shrubs, perennials, sedges and grasses for a beautiful and biodiverse landscape.
Most of our plants are native to northeastern Indiana with local genotypes and known provenance.
Native plants are suitable for the home landscape, rain gardens, butterfly gardens & birdscaping.
Our perennial flowering plants and grasses have been selected for showy blooms, landscape-worthy growth habits, fall color, winter interest and wildlife. Our shrubs and trees are those not normally found in nurseries.
We support habitat restoration and strive to keep our plants affordable so as many people as possible will plant natives.